Administration and IT develops candidates’ organisational and IT skills. Candidates develop an understanding of administration in the workplace and the IT skills required for the role.
National 4
The course consists of 4 units.
Administrative Practices.
IT Solutions for Administrators.
Communication in administration.
Administration and IT Assignment.
National 5 This course enables candidates to apply:
Skills in using spreadsheets, databases, presentations, word-processing and desktop publishing.
Skills for using technology for electronic communication and sourcing information.
Skills in problem solving.
Theory of administration in the workplace.
Higher This Course enables candidates to:
Complete integrated tasks requiring advanced skills in digital technologies to produce, process and manage information, and solve problems.
Complete integrated tasks requiring skills in electronic research to source complex information.
Complete integrated tasks requiring effective communication, taking account of its context, purpose and audience.
Apply knowledge and understanding of effective administration in the workplace to a set of written questions.
National 4 - units are assessed internally, all units including the assignment must be passed in order to achieve the award.
National 5 and Higher – candidates are assessed externally through 2 components:
Component 1: Question Paper worth 50 marks (42%)
Component 2: Assignment worth 70 marks (58%)
Progression The course opens up a range of progression routes to further education, including other National Qualifications: