Physical Education S4 to S6

Aims and Objectives

  • To provide a progressive programme of work from which pupils, irrespective of ability, will gain satisfaction, enjoyment and opportunity to extend their ability, skill and knowledge in a wide variety of activities.
  • To provide a sound base for the development of personal, social and leisure skills and interests.
  • To contribute to the health and wellbeing of pupils.
  • To provide a caring and friendly environment for both teachers and pupils who are working in the Department.
  • To provide pupils with a coherent, structured and progressive programme of certificated courses which will allow them access to a variety of PE related courses in further and higher education.


S4 and S5 pupils participate in similar activities as other years but there is more scope for choice at this level.

Core Physical Education
In S4 pupils continue to build on skills developed in S1, S2 and S3. At this stage pupils will have more of a choice, within certain constraints, on which activities they would like to do. Additional activities may be offered at this stage. Activities are offered in 6 week blocks.

Elective Physical Education
In S3 pupils can elect to take Challenging Personal Performance. Pupils will look at their performance in activities by collecting data, analyzing results and planning a development programme to improve identified areas of weakness.

Pupils will be aiming to achieve a National 4 pass in Physical Education at the end of this elective.

P.E. Kit
All pupils are encouraged to wear a t-shirt, socks, and trainers. No vest tops amre permitted. Kit should be marked for easy identification. Be organized and prepare the night before by putting your kit into a bag. No black soled shoes (marking or non marking) will be allowed in the games hall. For swimming you must wear a one piece costume / trunks. Failure to remember PE kit on three occasions throughout the school year will result in a letter home, referral and punishment exercises.
Change quickly and quietly and make sure you keep the changing area tidy. As soon as you are changed make your way to your working area.
Change quickly and quietly and make sure you keep the changing area tidy. As soon as you are changed make your way to your working area.
Valuables should be left in lockers before PE classes. No jewellery should be wornduring lessons.
Young peope on the running track

Illness and Injury
If you are unable to partipate, a letter of explanation must be produced. The letter should have your name, class, address and the name and signature of parent/guardian. Remember that although you cannot participate you may be able to help the teacher or classmate so PE kit should still be brought. A long – term absence form Physical Education lessons requires a medical note and PE staff and Senior Management should be informed.
Toilets will normally be used before or after classes.

Showers are always available for all pupils – inform your teacher beforehand.

Chewing gum is dangerous and forbidden and you will only be warned once.

Always read PE noticeboards for any new information.

Extra – Curricular Activities
A number of extra-curricular activities are on offer, both at lunchtimes and after school – find out what’s going on. Bus passes are available free of charge for those pupils participating at the end of the school day.

Long Jump